March 10, 2025

#168: Mailbag!

#168: Mailbag!

In our Mailbag! episodes, we answer questions from listeners about the national parks,

In our Mailbag! episodes, we answer questions from listeners about the national parks, ranger-led tours, road trips, hiking, camping, backpacking, gear, relationships, and pretty much whatever anyone wants to ask us.

In this episode, we cover these topics:

·     An alternative to visiting the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park while the road is closed due to flood damage,

·     Road trip suggestions for visiting the Washington and Oregon coasts,

·     How to deal with crowding in the parks and the consequences of reservations becoming so difficult to get,

·     Which district of Saguaro National Park we’d choose to visit if we only had one day,

·     Whether you need bear spray when visiting Washington State’s three national parks,

·     And more!

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