My first podcast subscription, so that’s saying something I guess. A bit slow to adopt. Heard about them while we stayed at New River Gorge and we were asked if we visited because of the podcast. So we listened. And it was okay. Ha, ha. Might be the episode with the most laughter ;-) Then after our American Samoa visit last month I sampled that episode. It contained great information that we should known before hand such as, “bring your passport.” Since then I bought the first book and have been listening to the podcast while doing yard work and driving. Mostly mailbags and info on the 5 parks yet to be visited. Overall it is great. Not every episode is wonderful but you can say that about Ted Lasso or any show, so let’s not be haters. They deftly addressed the laughing and that made me laugh. Now I am hooked. Just signed up for instagram so I can follow them there and will join their Patreon account. Thank you Karen and Matt!